This blog is a companion blog for our business Aromatics and Herbs. Our blog will give you tips, recipes, photos, and just a glimpse into what we do in our business and our life. Please check out the tabs below to visit our Etsy shop and Placenta Encapsulation Services. We can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Meditation Monday 9-27

Each Monday I will post an inspirational quote, a mantra or short guided meditation for you to start your week out positive.
Try not to become a man of success but a man of value. Albert Einstein

Friday, September 24, 2010

I ♥ pitcher.

We drink a lot of water in this house.  I don't buy juice or soda.  Occasionally I make herbal tea and serve it hot or cold.    Water can get a bit boring however.  One Sunday while watching "In the kitchen with David" I saw the perfect solution.   It was a pitcher very similar to this one.  The difference is the infuser has slits all the way up, it doesn't look like the one in the link does.  
Here's a picture of mine getting ready to be filled with lemons. It's best to take the rinds of so it doesn't get bitter.  You can leave the fruit in the infuser for 2 weeks!!!
We have had lemon water, lemon/lime water, watermelon water, berry water and that's in so far.  I'm looking forward to trying cucumber/lemongrass next.     I recommend this pitcher to anyone, it's a great way to peep up your water.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Meditation Monday

Each Monday I will post an inspirational quote, a mantra or short guided meditation for you to start your week out positive.
 Enjoy this beautiful mediation.  Even if you don't want to do the full meditation just the chants are nice to read and repeat.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Cool weather planting has begun!

I'm planting a cool weather garden for the first time this year.  I'm excited to see how it grows....if it grows.  If all grows well we will have garden fresh lettuce(two varites), Endive, Spinach, three different color Cauliflower, Brocolli, Cabbage, Sweet Peas and Brussel Sprouts.   I'm most excited about the Brussel Sprouts.   

My daughter also joined it the fun and planted a rock.  She said she hopes it grows peppers. 

I'll be sharing pictures so we can all see what happens!

Peace be with you,

Monday, September 13, 2010

Meditation Monday

Each Monday I will post an inspirational quote, a mantra or short guided meditation for you to start your week out positive.

Conflict cannot survive without your participation.  -Dr. Wayne Dyer

Sunday, September 5, 2010

I'm back!!!

I'm back!  This summer was a busy one for us so I spent most of it preparing tinctures and formulating a skin care line that I can't wait to share with all of you.     I have been beyond frustrated with the skin care, they claim to be all natural only to find ingredients that are far from it.   My first product that will be available is an organic spray deodorant.   I've been very picky with what I put on my pits.  Natural deodorants are either sticky, don't work and/or not completely natural.     I love this formulation I came up with.
Peace and Love,