This blog is a companion blog for our business Aromatics and Herbs. Our blog will give you tips, recipes, photos, and just a glimpse into what we do in our business and our life. Please check out the tabs below to visit our Etsy shop and Placenta Encapsulation Services. We can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Lice Prevention

Lice.....ugh it makes me shiver just thinking of it.   The picture I'm posting is enough to give anyone the hee-bee-gee-bees.  
Nobody wants lice but it happens.    I remember growing up people associated lice with the kids that weren't so clean, but those kids were actually on to something.   Lice are attracted to clean, shiny hair!      Another tip is they do not like the scents of mango, rosemary and tea tree.

This is what we do in our house.   I buy an unscented all natural shampoo and add 1 drop of tea tree essential oil per every ounce of shampoo.   We only wash our hair three times a week.    So far so good on the lice front. 

Let me know if you use this tip and your thoughts!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Back to School Tip!

I get asked a lot about how I keep my kids healthy.    They do get sick but it's rare.   They eat a good diet, take Vit D daily and we use lemon in our water.

In my opinion that is a very simple way to keep the sickies away.     You can do this my infusing lemon in water for a couple days or you can add a drop of high quality, pure lemon essential oil to 4 ozs of water.      Try it out and see how it works for you!