This blog is a companion blog for our business Aromatics and Herbs. Our blog will give you tips, recipes, photos, and just a glimpse into what we do in our business and our life. Please check out the tabs below to visit our Etsy shop and Placenta Encapsulation Services. We can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Merry Christmas!!!! A gift for you.....

***UPDATE***  People are having problems  leaving comments so visit for a new way to win this gift.

My favorite holiday!   I just love Christmas.  I love the magical feeling, I love the generosity and I LOVE giving gifts.    Sooooooo,  I'm going to give away a gift set.   All you need to do is leave a comment and make sure I can get a hold of you if you are the winner!!!       A winner will be picked on 12/15/2011 at 8 am.     If you are not a friend on facebook become one because there will be another surprise tomorrow!!!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Product Highlight: Wonder Water with DMAE and without

I'm 36.  We all know wrinkles happen and I'm ok with that.   However, I would love to stay as wrinkle free as possible.   Maybe it's vain but oh well. I like to look good.  When I look good, I feel good.   Not that wrinkles are not beautiful because I do feel they are, I just don't want to sport many until I'm in my 60s.    The probelm is I don't like putting stuff on my face that isn't natural and/or safe.  I've tried lots of different products, some claimed to be natural and once I got them that was far from true.  Some were natural but just didn't give me the results I wanted.   I decided to take my knowledge and create something that was perfect for me.    That's when the Wonder line was born.       The first product I would like to introduce is the Wonder Water.

Wonder Water is a toner that comes with or without DMAE.  If you have very sensitive skin I do not recommend the DMAE version.   You might wonder what the difference is, well the water with DMAE is more firming.   You can feel it working within seconds.  It's cool stuff.    

How to use it:   After you wash your face you apply Wonder Water with a cotton ball or cloth.  Apply it all over your face, neck and decollete. Go around your eyes but not on your eyelids and be careful not to get any in your eyes.   It could burn if you do.    Then apply  moisturizer.   I recommend our Wonder Serum.  If your Wonder Water as DMAE then wait 2 minutes before applying the moisturizer.  If you experience to much tingling from the DMAE that it's uncomfortable then it's not the right product for you.   Wash off with soap and water.

What's in it: All the ingredients are all natural and some are organic. You will never find anything that is unnatural in our products.   NEVER. 

Chamomile and Rose Geranium Hydrosol.-Hydrosol is a term coined by my instructor, Jeanne Rose.   It is the by product of making essential oils.   It's the water left over from steam distillation.  It contains the properties of essential oils but are much gentler.  We chose these two hydrosols because they are calming to the skin and anti aging.

Acai Extract- This is made from the acai berries.  Acai is known as a super-fruit.  Besides being tasty, they contail anthocyanins and flavonoids which are very important antioxidants. Not only that but their antioxidants remain high even after storage of long periods.

Pomegranate Extract- Another yummy super fruit.  It contains ellagitannins. Ellagitannins are powerful polyphenols that fight free radicals.

White Tea- I love drinking white tea, it's so good for you inside and out. It contains polyphenols and also helps protect the skin against stress.

DMAE-(only in Wonder Water with DMAE) It's real name is Dimethylaminoethanol. This is an interesting ingredient.  It is found in the human body and in nature. People take it as a natural antidepressant to help combat anxiety, because it's a precursor to acetylcholine. That's important to know because that why DMAE works as a firming agent for skin.   It reacts with they acetylcholine on your skin and contracts...firming your skin.

Interesting tidbit:  You can use the Wonder Water withOUT DMAE as a cleanser for cuts, clean off faces, and even as a cloth wipe spray(for cloth diaper mamas)

If you have any questions about this or anything else please feel free to contact me.

Peace and Love,